How do I remove a drive wheel from my Echo?

You may need to remove the main (drive) wheel from your MACH or Echo for troubleshooting or repair.

The Wheel Wobble on the MACH 2 is due to the wheel shaft moving. Here is how to add a set screw to hold the shaft and keep the wheel from wobbling.

  1. Purchase a wood screw at your local hardware

  2. Use a small drill about 1/8" and drill a pilot hole about 1 1/2 " above the wheel shaft on the back (drill at an angle: that will hit the shaft at the halfway point about 1/2" in)

  3. Screw in a #8 screw about 1 3/4 inch long - this will hit the shaft and lock it from moving. This will remove most of the wheel wobble.

Ashley Martineau

Ashley started spinning yarn in 2003 and now enjoys graphic design, marketing, social media, and web design in the fiber arts industry. She is a SpinOlution Associate Partner, the Marketing Director for Unicorn Editions, as well as an Author of THISyarn.