NEW Ratio Guide for the 2022 Black Whorl Echo

The Black Whorl Echo has even higher and lower ratios than the Golden Whorl Echo. We began printing our whorls (or pulleys) to create a more sustainably made product and rely less on imported hardware. Below is a copy of the Echo ratio guide.

Beginner tip: start at the middle pulley/whorl and move up (bigger whorl) to spin slower for bulkier yarns and move down (smaller whorl) to spin faster for finer yarns.

Monarch Treadle Peg Replacement & Repair

If you notice:

  • The peg no longer stays in the magnetic bearing hole.

  • The treadle hub separates from the drive wheel.

  • You see the peg wiggling in the hole in the bearings.

  • The peg doesn’t feel secure (magnetized) in the hole.

Your Monarch needs a replacement.

Why does this happen?

There are multiple reasons why this happens. We will repair the treadle free of charge regardless of the reason why it needs to be repaired.

  • User Error: the peg either was not pushed in all the way

  • Wear and Tear: the glue holding the magnets broke after use or the bearings (which we do not manufacture) become defective after continued use.

Free Replacement

Ship your Monarch wheel base (do not include the feet, flyer, bobbins) to SpinOlution Headquarters for a free treadle upgrade! Cost of round-trip shipping to SpinOlution is the customer’s responsibility, but we will repair the wheel at no charge


Mike Pauly, 196 Hawkins Road, Winlock, WA 98596 USA

New for 2022: Printed Tension Blocks

SpinOlution Evolution

NEW: 3D Printed Tension Blocks

It’s easier to replace the felt on the new Tension Blocks on 2022 SpinOlution wheels. Unscrew the screw, replace the felt, and screw it back in. These blocks absorb sound and are quieter than the wooden block design in previous wheels.

You can order a new tension block in our parts shop at

New for 2022: Printed Whorls

SpinOlution Wheel Collection Update

NEW: Black Whorl Rollout

3D printed black whorls have a greater spectrum of ratios (higher and lower) for spinning fine to bulky yarns on all wheel models.

This is one of several updates to our wheel collection happening in 2022-2024 as we evolve our wheels to use more components made in the USA.

NEW: 3D Printed Tension Blocks

It’s easier to replace the felt on the new Tension Blocks on 2022 SpinOlution wheels. Unscrew the screw, replace the felt, and screw it back in. These blocks absorb sound and are quieter than the wooden block design in previous wheels. You can order a new tension block in our parts shop at